Friday, May 21, 2010

My life as Farida Firelight

I joined Second Life for the first time a few weeks ago. I did not know what to expect - at all! I knew Second Life was a very popular website that is used by many people from around the world. I found this out when I ended up in Korea and everyone around me was typing in Korean! I found this amazing!

My favorite part was editing my appearance. The options provided to edit were so detailed. I was amazed that I could even change the height of my pony tail! I guess this is what makes Second Life so exciting and personal.

My least favorite part, well, I had two. The first was that I was able to read everyones conversation with each other. I don't know if this was a setting that could be changed, but some of these conversations became quite racy and inappropriate.

The second was when I was on a ship, I went down into a door and saw all the different things. However, I had no idea how to get out of where ever I was, and somehow I looked like I was swimming. Yes, I don't understand this either!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Facebook > Twitter

Facebook and Twitter are both social networking sites, however to me they are quite different. I joined Twitter for the first time today and I was disappointed to say the least. It seemed boring and bland from the looks and layout.

I tweeted my first tweet, and all I could think is...."this is it"? There not many options to customize my account. Or maybe they're are, but I would not know as of now. Also, when I went to change my profile pic and after many unsuccessful attempts, I see this big whale telling me that there are too many tweets! What does that mean?

I will try it out for this class, but I highly doubt I will be hooked!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Social Networking 3

Review of – Social Networking Site from India

I chose to review, a social networking site in India. I am first generation Pakistani and I am always curious what is happening in that part of the world. I signed up with, and like everything else in India and Pakistan, this website is a knock off of Facebook! There are many similarities to Facebook, including the color scheme, layout, design and applications to. In fact, the entire registration process is the same.

I enjoy using Facebook. I like the ease of navigating the website. offers the same simplicity with added twists of emphasis on Indian Models and Bollywood, which is major part of the Indian lifestyle.

There is not much to criticize about this website. It may have applications and games that are different an unfamiliar to the Western world, but other than that this website seems satisfactory.

Social Networking 2

A website that provides a virtual community for people interested in a particular subject or just to "hang out" together. Members create their own online "profile" with biographical data, pictures, likes, dislikes and any other information they choose to post. They communicate with each other by voice, chat, instant message, videoconference and blogs, and the service typically provides a way for members to contact friends of other members.

Sites may also serve as a vehicle for meeting in person. The "social networking site" is the 21st century "virtual community," a group of people who use the Internet to communicate with each other about anything and everything. One can find dating sites, friendship sites, sites with a business purpose and hybrids that offer a combination of these. Globally, hundreds of millions of people have joined one or more social networking sites.

Social Networking Site (n.d.) In The Free Dictionary by Farlex. Retrieved from

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My definition of Social Networking

Social Networking is a way to socialize with people from all over the world, without having to pick up the phone, write a letter, or even see each other face to face. Social networking can be an excellent way to keep in touch with friends and family. At the same time, I feel it can also be dangerous, and invasive if not properly used. In my opinion, social networking and computer technology are very much correlated with each other. Examples of this include the changed made to cell phones, PDA's, and now laptops. Social networking sites, i.e. Facebook and Twitter, have been made prominent applications to these devices, because of their popularity.

My view of the potential for social networking sites in education is very slim. I do not feel that using these sites will become a prominent role in our educational system, at this time, and I sometimes feel they should not be. I am not familiar with many sites other than Facebook and maybe Twitter, and these I do not feel will be incorporated into lessons and activities, at the present time.

I'm blogging - really!

This is my first ever blog! I still don't think I know what I'm doing. I also dont think i'm interesting enough for anyone to read a blog by me!!